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rpz valve

RPZ Valve Installations & Replacements

If your RPZ valve has failed or is in need of replacement, it is crucial to take action quickly to protect your water supply and remain compliant with UK regulations. At Titan Mechanical Services, we offer efficient and reliable RPZ valve replacement services throughout the United Kingdom, ensuring the safety and reliability of your water system. Our experienced Engineers are trained both internally and externally on RPZ valve installations. We work closely with you to understand your specific needs and requirements and provide a customized solution that meets your budget and timeframe. Our team can also provide you with expert advice and guidance on selecting the right RPZ valve for your specific application. As a compliance-led contractor, all of our reduced pressure zone valve replacements satisfy the requirements of the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get a quote for your RPZ valve replacement needs.

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How Often Should RPZ Valves Be Replaced?

The lifespan of an RPZ valve can vary depending on factors such as usage, water quality, and maintenance. In general, RPZ valves should be replaced every 5-10 years.

How Long Does An RPZ Valve Replacement Take?

The duration of RPZ valve replacement can vary depending on factors such as the size and complexity of the water system. In general, it can take a few hours to a full day to complete.

How Do I Know If My RPZ Valve Needs Replaced?

There are a few signs that your RPZ valve may need to be replaced:

  1. Water leaks: If you notice water leaking from your RPZ valve, it may be a sign that the valve is damaged and needs to be replaced.

  2. Low water pressure: If you are experiencing low water pressure, it may be due to a malfunctioning RPZ valve. In some cases, the valve may be clogged with debris, which can reduce water flow.

  3. Changes in water quality: If you notice a change in the taste or odor of your water, it may be due to a faulty RPZ valve. The valve may be allowing contaminated water to flow back into the potable water supply.

  4. Visible damage: If the RPZ valve is visibly damaged or worn, it may be time to replace it.

Our UK leading RPZ testing can help quickly determine the need to replace.

RPZ Valve
rpz valve

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The team on the day were very cooperative, professional and efficient. The job was completed quickly and all RAMS and CS entry procedures were adhered too. The information requests before the work commenced were all answered quickly and in full. A great service was seen from Titan from start to finish.

David Sutcliffe, Contract & Compliance Manager, EQUANS 

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